Dataset Distillation by Matching Training Trajectories |
Rewriting Geometric Rules of a GAN |
Passive Micron-scale Time-of-Flight with Sunlight Interferometry |
Controllable Visual-Tactile Synthesis |
Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction using Imaging Sonar |
Sequential Voting with Relational Box Fields for Active Object Detection |
Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models |
Human-to-Robot Imitation in the Wild |
Dual-Shutter Optical Vibration Sensing |
RelPose: Predicting Probabilistic Relative Rotation for Single Objects in the Wild |
PPR: Physically Plausible Reconstruction from Monocular Videos |
Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training |
Differentiable Raycasting for Self-supervised Occupancy Forecasting |
Bottom Up Top Down Detection Transformers for Language Grounding in Images and Point Clouds |
RAC: Reconstructing Animatable Categories from Videos |
Swept-Angle Synthetic Wavelength Interferometry |
Objects as volumes: A stochastic geometry view of opaque solids |
3D-aware Conditional Image Synthesis |
Depth-supervised NeRF: Fewer Views and Faster Training for Free |
Megahertz Light Steering without Moving Parts |
Neural Kaleidoscopic Space Sculpting |
Fuzzy Metaballs: Approximate Differentiable Rendering with Algebraic Surfaces |
Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion |
Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models |